Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Scope of Application

The CareerLunch services as described on this website are offered by CareerLunch AG, Kägiswilerstrasse 17, CH-6060 Sarnen. These Terms of Use apply to all services offered by CareerLunch AG for people who are interested in applying for a CareerLunch (hereinafter “Talents”) via the CareerLunch website https://careerlunch.com (hereinafter “CareerLunch Platform”).

These Terms of Use do not apply to Companies. For Companies, the General Terms and Conditions apply.

Offered Services

CareerLunch AG provides the CareerLunch Platform on which Talents may register and apply for a CareerLunch. It is necessary to provide their name, e-mail address and URL to their LinkedIn profile. On the creation of the account, the contract between the Talent and CareerLunch AG enters into force. However, CareerLunch AG is not obliged to conclude a corresponding contract with the Talent. These Terms of Use are an integral component of the contract.

CareerLunch AG reserves the right to add new services and to change or completely or partially discontinue existing services at any time. The Talent shall have no claims against CareerLunch AG because of a change or cessation of services.

Data Protection

CareerLunch AG handles the personal data of Talents at all times with the greatest care and in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. Further information concerning the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy.


The use of services offered by CareerLunch AG under these Terms of Use is free of charge.

Talent’s Obligations

All data submitted must be complete, up-to-date and true. If the Talent provides incomplete or false details, CareerLunch AG may at any time terminate the contract pursuant to clause 10 of these Terms of Use and/or block the Talent’s account temporarily or permanently.

The Talent may only use their CareerLunch account for personal use and must keep safe their access details and passwords and not pass them to third parties. If a third party obtains access to the Talent’s CareerLunch account, the Talent must inform CareerLunch AG immediately.

Permitted use

Only Talents over the age of 18 are entitled to use the CareerLunch Platform. The use for commercial purposes is prohibited.

The Talent undertakes not to publish on the CareerLunch Platform any illegal, unlawful or offensive content or content that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties.

CareerLunch AG reserves the right to delete content that violates these provisions.

Intellectual Property

All proprietary and intellectual property rights on the CareerLunch Platform, in particular copyrights and rights in trademarks, designs and know-how remain the property of CareerLunch AG.

CareerLunch AG grants the Talents a non-exclusive, non-transferable, unlicensable right to use the CareerLunch Platform offered by CareerLunch AG in accordance with these Terms of Use.

No Guarantees

CareerLunch AG shall only be responsible for the provision of IT services for the automated placement of contacts.

CareerLunch AG gives no guarantees in relation to the CareerLunch Platform and its services. CareerLunch AG does in particular not guarantee

  • the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or suitability of content (particularly information about Companies);
  • the uninterrupted or disruption-free availability of its services; and
  • that a contact to a Company may be made or a CareerLunch may take place.

CareerLunch AG carries out regular backups. However, data losses cannot be excluded completely.

The use of the service may be temporarily restricted for reasons of capacity constraints, security or system integration or in order to carry out technical maintenance work to ensure the proper and/or improved provision of services. In such cases, CareerLunch AG will inform the Talents in good time if possible.

Exclusion of liability

CareerLunch AG shall only be liable for direct damages resulting from a willful or grossly negligent breach of its contractual or statutory obligations. A liability of CareerLunch AG for direct damages in the case of minor fault or for indirect damages (such as loss of profit) – regardless of the legal grounds – is excluded.

CareerLunch AG publishes on the CareerLunch Platform links to websites of Companies. CareerLunch AG is not responsible for the content of such Companies’ websites and excludes all and any liability in connection with such websites.

Furthermore, CareerLunch AG shall not be liable for any unauthorised or unlawful use of Talent’s personal data by the Companies.

Duration of Contract and Termination

These Terms of Use shall apply from the creation of the CareerLunch account on for an undefined period.

Talents may terminate the contract existing between them and CareerLunch AG at any time by deleting their CareerLunch account in the account settings. In this event, CareerLunch AG shall delete their CareerLunch account and all respective data.

More detailed information on the processing and erasure of personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy.

Changes to these Terms of Use

CareerLunch AG reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time.

CareerLunch AG shall inform the Talent of changes to these Terms of Use at least six weeks before their planned entering into force in writing (incl. e-mail). By continuing to use the services, the Talent accepts the respective valid Terms of Use.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Swiss law shall apply to these Terms of Use and to all disputes arising from or in connection with these Terms of Use between CareerLunch AG and the Talents, excluding the conflict of laws rules. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Sarnen. Notwithstanding this provision, CareerLunch AG may however invoke the courts of the place of residence of the Talent.

As of: May 29th, 2024
CareerLunch AG, Kägiswilerstrasse 17, CH-6060 Sarnen